I. Coverage
A. Construction or repair contracts over $500,000 for any public construction contract by any state, city, county or governmental authority
1. Public body or entity may require bond on contracts under $500,000
2. Road or transportation projects require a bond if over $250,000
3. Construction means building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any structure, building, and any draining, dredging, excavation or grading on real property (not related to transportation projects)
4. Not applicable to any Virginia town with a population of less than 3,500 but they are known to comply
B. Actually, is two bonds, payment and performance
C. For subcontract over $500,000 subcontractor may be required by prime to furnish payment bond only
1. If prime does not require, material suppliers and laborers can recover on prime's bond
2. If prime requires subcontractor bond, material suppliers and laborers can join both bonds in suit, although subcontractor bond will be primarily responsible
II. Parties Protected
A. Similar to Federal Miller Act
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When we talk about style in the 21st century, or think about our hair, we usually focus on hair colour.
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I think we need to have a longer conversation of what we have in us and this is the first step. We can talk about it and think even though everyone knows what to do differently. I viagra generika online apotheke think that we have a lot to learn from people who are using it in different ways; not just black culture but in any the world.
I found it interesting that people talked a load about your hair. But didn't seem able to talk about your body.
That's another thing that was interesting. People would put forward such strong opinions and talk about whether to wear a hijab or not. And people would talk about my hair like it's a different creature. It would be 'so you wear what want to wear'. But when you get to think about what is that person wearing? do they mean by that? And what is going on beneath or where are they taking that from? But with the clothing there is so much other information that one can get out of it. Especially when we talk about style.
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You're doing a lot of work with PETA and that has got to be one of the most important parts your professional life. You've never been a traditional activist so what are the challenges that comes with that?
We all want to help animals in their lives, and that's the most beautiful thing, but unfortunately the animals need a bit of help. When we're a minority in society like that, we are just anyone else - we are hungry, want food, clothes, we shelter and when are in situations where we unable to help those animals, we feel that can help the majority. And I believe that that's a great movement but it's got to be done in a compassionate manner and it's got to be supported in a kind and positive way.
Have you seen that PETA has done good for animals?
You know, when grow up think that you only know animals by how you feel, not they are in front of you. When I started getting animals in and saying, 'I'm looking forward to seeing what this animal's going to do' or 'I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll eat' or 'I'm looking forward to seeing what the world will bring because I have the ability to change it' I realised, yes definitely do have an impact.
How do you think it will affect your activism - a lot has been made about your veganism, but how do you think it'll affect what goes in the movement?
Oh I don't really think about that. I'm always doing activism. Unisom buy uk People ask me how my activism is going and I will answer that way. And they will say 'oh you're vegan but what about your activities?'. And I always say my activities are helping animals. But if someone told me that I'm one of the world's leading activists and I'm vegan, I don't think about that. So I the most important thing for people to understand is that if you care so much - about animals in this world - you will do so differently. things that are great instead of doing things that feel good.
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2. Claimants who have a contract with a subcontractor to the prime
B. Third-tier claimant, such as a supplier to supplier is not covered
III. Notice Requirements
A. Similar to Federal Miller Act with a party not directly contracting with prime having 90 days to provide notice to prime of last furnishing labor or material
1. Sub or supplier to subcontractor of prime is not required to provide notice for retainage claim
2. Last work/supply problems may be more liberal than Miller Act but it is unwise to rely on corrective/remedial work as trigger for "last day"
3. Unlike Miller Act notice must be by registered or certified mail to a business office of prime contractor
B. One year deadline to file suit (from last date of furnishing labor or material)
C. Cannot file suit within 90 days of last furnishing labor or material (will be premature and subject to dismissal)
IV. Enforcement of Bond Claims
A. Suit must be brought within one year of last date work or material furnished
1. Suit can be brought in Circuit Court or General District Court, depending on amount of claim
a. Principal amount not exceeding $4,500 has to be brought in General District Court
b. Principal amount over $4,500 and under $15,000 can be brought in either General District Court or Circuit Court
c. Principal amount of $15,000 or more can only be brought in Circuit Court
2. One year limitation is absolute, cannot be extended by contract between the parties
B. Suit is brought in city or county where project is located
C. Suit is civil action governed by normal Virginia civil procedure, including right of jury trial in Circuit Court
1. Surety can be joined in its own name-always enhances liability
2. Standard of proof is materials or labor furnished in good faith belief that they will be used on project-no need to prove actual use- Solite Masonry case (1977)
D. Attorneys fees not specifically covered or judicially decided
1. 4th Circuit allows supplier and subcontractor attorney's fees if in contract with their immediate contractor on Miller Act cases
2. 4th Circuit is likewise for service charges and specified interest rate of interest
3. Argument for coverage of attorney's fees, service charges and specified interest would parallel language in Miller Act
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